Tuesday 1 July 2014

The Month Of June (In Pictures)

Black and White Pictures are my favourites.. SnapChat has been my buddy this month :(

What Is Trust?

San Francisco 2014

Trust is getting to the highest floor of a tall building and hoping the building will not collapse.
Trust is getting into a plane and hoping the pilot can take you to your desired destination safely.
Trust is eating that meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and hoping it does not make you sick.


  Hello bloggers and blog readers. Just like everything else in life, I believe an introduction to whatever one is commencing should be given. So, here is mine......
    I really am not a fan of blogging or writing but well, life happens to you. To be honest, last night when I thought of starting a blog, I came up with all these crazy and interesting ideas and stuff I could write in my introduction but I woke this morning and decided not to go with that introduction anymore.
 I am just going to explain the name of my blog, which I believe explains me in so many ways and is a better introduction to this blog.
I'm a normal person with an irrational behaviour (some of the things I do or say don't really make sense logically). Because I am irrational like that, my views, actions and opinions change easily which make me look confused.
My aim is to put down my thoughts, opinions, experiences on this blog, that is why I call it diary.
I hope you enjoy it.. Feel free to comment and give your thoughts!
                                                                                                                 All the Best,
                                                                                                                            - S